MIDA is the distributor of a wide range of basic chemical products which it delivers with its own vehicles throughout Italy. The liquid products are delivered in EC approved packaging (25 kg drums, 1000 kg tanks, transferring product in transfer tanks 2000 – 3000 kg. Solid products are delivered in 10 – 25 – 50 kg bags on pallets, in big bags or bulk.
In addition, our company also has products for the collection of polluting and dangerous materials spilled accidentally. Our SAIDITE product is a natural and ecological oil absorber capable of absorbing oils of any nature, sludge, grease, fuels, chemical and toxic liquids that must be eliminated from the streets, sidewalks, etc….
Finally, the Technochemical Industry Mida produce and distribute directly salts for purification of waters, chlorides road grade / food grade (in 10 and 25 kg bags on pallets, in 1 ton Big Bags, or in bulk with timely deliveries in lorries, truck or express deliveries of a single pallet throughout Italy) and cold bitumen.